Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Completed: Another Camberie

This was a dress that was never meant to be a dress!

The other week I was digging through the large bag which has become my leftover fabric dumping ground to see if there was any way in which I could reduce its size and get some use out of something! Well what I found turned out to be the first ever muslin of my emery bodice and some lovely floral poplin from my first ever cambie. Two pieces which I reckoned had potential to be saved from the bag of doom! There was a good amount of fabric left from the cambie but in a strange L shape so my options were very limited - there certainly wasn't enough for a full gathered or pleated skirt and definitely not enough for a full dress!

I knew that one option that would work with the piece of fabric I had would be a pencil type skirt and I reckoned that with some coaxing I could fix up the bodice muslin and make a pretty summer dress. The initial muslin had been made up using black thread and a purple zip crudely affixed at the back. an hour and a half later the bodice had been resewn, re darted and the zip had been removed. The back neckline darts aren't perfect but I cant see them so it works for me :-) I also decided that I would try another exposed zipper. A feature that I really like right now.

For the skirt I revisited a favorite pattern - the sewaholic cambie. (I'm pondering a few changes for my next bodice, I love that top but the area under the bust could do with some curved darts methinks) I have never tried the variation A skirt and it looked like it would fit perfectly on the remaining fabric. I cut a size 10 based on the waist measurement, however it quickly became apparent that I could have made up the 8.

There are a few things wrong with the dress - most apparently those awful bust darts - more time and care next time I think. There is also a bit of extra fabric making an appearance at the back too. not in the usual place but more of an all over effect...That can easily be fixed with a cardi right!!
Todays outtake!!

I'm not sure exactly if and when I will get round to wearing this dress the fit isn't wonderful and I seem to be carrying a bit of extra weight again. I blame the stresses of moving house and finishing a thesis!

Hopefully everyone is doing well - I hope to catch up on my reading list soon and be back to sewing by the weekend! It feels dead weird to have my machine in a box and doing nothing!

Take Care
Jenn xx


  1. Very inventive - well done you. That bag of scraps just keeps growing doesn't it - don't know what to do with mine. I keep everything thinking "ooh I could get a picket out of that" but I don't liked pockets and have only used them once anyway!

    1. I keep my scraps with the very best intentions and with each project it just grows and grows! I even once bought a remnant for a pocket which never came to be. I'm hoping that once I have sorted through and got my sewing room set up more positive things can come of this scrappy mess!

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I don`t understand all what you have written, because my english ist not perfekt.
    But I can`t find any mistakes between yor dress.
    It is a very nice summerdress and I like it very mutch.
    Well done!
    Happy sewing

    1. Thanks :-) my real issue is the darts come up far too high - other than that when I lose a kg or 2 the dress will look much better :-)

  3. The scrap fabric graveyard -- mine is a bin -- I have tried to organize but with no luck! Maybe I should root through it and do something similar. Even if you don't wear this, it was great sewing practice. I am loving the zip in the back -- tres chic!

    1. Yeah definitely - I always worry when trying to mesh projects together that there will be too much engineering involved in getting them to work together - this was a good that helped ease the worry because they went together quite well :-)

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